How to Audit Your Site Plugins
Are you aware that every plugin on your WordPress website is a door into your install? It’s critical that only active those plugins that are necessary for your site to run are installed.
The 10 Best Online Tools For Every Small Business
If you’re like most small business owners, you are bombarded daily in every advertisement that online tools will help you navigate the tech world to solve your business woes. But which online tools should you be using? Let’s explore the category and qualifiers you need in certain online tools.
The Latest Change for Google Rankings
When Google decides to make a change to their search algorithm, it makes a big splash in…
Log In With Editor and not Admin
With WordPress, there are various user levels and each level grants specific access to your website. As a…
Avoiding 404 Page Not Found
Many of us get tired of visiting sites and stumbling upon the dreaded “404 Error: Page Not…
Why WordPress Doesn’t Update Like Your Phone
Here we go again! WordPress is about to release 4.9, which will make this release the 9th…
5 Reasons Your Old Developer is No Longer in Business
Time and time again I speak with website owners whose old designer or developer has abandoned them. The fickle nature of not being able to access the person who created your site often leads to mistrust of the website development industry as a whole.
3 Reasons Mass-Market Web Care Doesn’t Work for Your Business
In looking for critical help, maintenance and improvement on your website you’ve likely stumbled across sites like…